The Insights tab within the Lyft Business Portal enables you to filter for specific rides and transactions, view key metrics, and view/download your company’s transaction report.
In this article, we'll cover:
How to get started
- Log in to your Lyft business account
- Navigate to 'Insights' on the left side menu
- Apply filters
- View /edit key metrics
- View transaction / edit transaction table columns
- Download transaction report
How to download a report
You can download the transaction report to generate a CSV file by clicking “Download” in the top right corner. The columns which are present in the table when clicking “Download” will automatically be pre-selected and you’ll have the ability to update which columns you need included prior to confirming download.
Who can access the Insights tab?
Organization admins can view the insights tab for all programs while Program admins can view the Insights tab only for their program.
What timezone does the Insights tab display data in?
Currently, this page filters all data based on the Coordinated Universal Time (“UTC”) timezone. We display Local and UTC time in the table for all date / time attributes (pickup, drop off, requested, transaction, etc.) but filter on UTC.
Why can’t I see all of my historical data in Insights?
We support your transactions and transportation back to Q4 2019 but not past October 1, 2019. We will begin archiving data and removing data from the Insights feature after 4 years.
Example: on January 1 2023 we will archive 2019 data and on January 1 2024 we will archive 2020 data.
Can I save or favorite a specific version of a report?
No, you cannot save or create reports at this time.
Why is some location data missing for some rides in the table?
Lyft leverages internal and 3rd party location APIs which sometimes results in not having all the components of an address available for a ride.
Can I filter for data using a date that is not the transaction date?
Yes, you can add other date filters (e.g. pickup date) by clicking on “+ Add filters”, but it will be applied in addition to the transaction date. Any transaction and ride that do not meet both date criteria will not be included in key metrics and transaction tables. Currently you are not able to remove the Transaction Date filter and it is considered always on.
How do I give other team members access to this reporting?
Currently, only organization admins can view the Insights tab for all programs. Program admins can view the insights tab only for their program. To give another team member access to this feature, you will need to grant them organization or program admin access. Learn how to grant access here. Learn how to add a user as an admin.
When I download the transaction report and count ride IDs, why does it not match the completed rides key metric in the tab?
There are a few reasons why the completed rides key metric does not match ride ids in a downloaded report. This could be due to either having a cancelled ride with a penalty and/or a ride with more than one transaction. Cancelled rides with penalties are not counted in the completed rides key metric and the transaction table will have one row per transaction.
When a ride has more than one transaction included in the table, we duplicate the ride information across transaction rows that apply to that ride. Be sure to filter out Ride Status = Cancelled and count distinct ones in the “ride id” column in the transaction table.
How does transaction date correlate with the timeline of a ride?
Example A - Standard Ride & Charge
If “Transaction date” filter = May, this ride and transaction would be included in May 2021 ride and transaction metrics, respectively. In this example Rides completed = 1, Unique riders = 1, and Transaction amount = $20.
Example B - Ride with a Refund or Additional Charge
If “Transaction date” filter = June, the ride and original charge transaction will not be included in ride and transaction metrics, respectfully. The refund or additional charge will be included in transaction metrics. In this example Rides completed = 0, Unique riders = 0, and Transaction amount = -$10 (e.g. refund)
Note that Lyft asserts that these data fields are either personally identifiable information or when taken together with the other data fields can potentially identify a Rider. These fields are designated as Confidential Information and are subject to your confidentiality obligations with Lyft.