Once a riders business profile is successfully created, they can simply tap Personal or Business in the bottom left-hand corner of their screen to switch profiles and the corresponding default payment method will apply.
After publishing your Lyft Business Travel program, you’re ready to share it with your employees!
In this article, well cover:
Work or organization emails
Use work or organization emails to share your Lyft Business Program with riders who are a part of your organization (i.e. employees or members). When you share it to riders’ work or organization emails, they’ll receive an email notification that your organization has sent an invite to create a business profile.
To begin sharing, select 'Business Profiles' from the left navigation bar in the Lyft Business Portal
- Select the program that you’ll be sharing via work or organization emails
- Select '+ Add People' in top right corner
On the 'Add people' screen, you can enter your riders’ work email addresses in two ways:
- Enter your riders’ work email addresses manually and separated by commas in the 'Email address' box. This method is best if you have a small number of riders to share the program with
- Select 'Upload CSV' to upload a CSV file with your riders’ email addresses listed in the first column with no headers. This method is best if you have a large number of riders to share the program with
- Select 'Send invite' once you’ve added all rider email addresses to share with
- You’ll see a 'Success' banner pop up letting you know the program was shared successfully
Using a link
A general shareable link is a single link that can be used by any employee that has it. It’s an easy way to share your Business Travel Program without needing to upload emails.
To begin sharing, select Business Profiles from the left navigation bar in the Lyft Business Portal
- Select the program that you’ll be sharing via work or organization emails
- Select '+ Add People' in top right corner
- On the 'Add people' screen, select 'Generate link'
- Select 'Copy link' and you’ll see a banner pop up that says 'Shareable link copied'
- Start sharing across any internal channels or directly with employees. Remember that each link is for that specific program. If you have unique programs, you’ll need to make sure you’re sharing the right link with the correct audience.
Resend invitations, in bulk
Easily resend invitations, in bulk, to all riders that have been invited but not joined a business travel program. You can watch this video for additional information.