Viewing transaction reports in the Lyft Business Portal

The Reports tab nested over each of the Business Profiles, Concierge, and Lyft Pass sections in the left sidebar of the Lyft Business Portal provides you with reporting for all rides taken by users of each program or program. Learn more in this article. 

In this article, we'll cover: 

Business profile and direct billing reports

It's important to understand that there are two different types of reports you can download:

  • Business profile reports: Employee rides taken using a business profile that were not charged to the company card
  • Accounts with direct billing reports: Employee rides taken using a business profile that were charged to the company card, specific to the direct billing accounts within your Lyft Business account

By default, the first set of reports you will see whenever you select the 'Reports' tab is Showing for: business profiles. This means you are currently viewing downloadable monthly reports for rides taken under a business profile that were not charged to the company card.

Screen_Shot_2022-03-14_at_12.02.31_PM.pngTo change the report you are currently viewing from business profiles to direct billing group-specific reports:

  1. Select on the 'Filter reports: Business Profiles' status upper right corner
  2. A drop-down box will appear with the names of all direct billing programs under your organization
  3. Choose the specific direct billing program you'd like to download monthly reports for

To download a direct billing report:

  1. After changing the view to the correct direct billing program, find the month you wish to download a report for
  2. Select 'Download CSV' and the file will automatically begin to download

Concierge reports

Your Concierge programs are listed in alphabetical order, meaning the first set of reports you will always see by default when you select the 'Reports' tab is the program name that comes first alphabetically.

To change what Concierge program you are currently viewing reports for:

  1. Select on the 'Filter reports:' status in the upper right corner
  2. A drop-down box will appear with the names of all Concierge programs under your organization
  3. Choose the specific program you'd like to download monthly reports for


To download a Concierge report:

  1. After changing the view to the correct Concierge program, find the month you wish to report on
  2. Select 'Download CSV' and the file will automatically begin to download

Lyft Pass reports

Your Lyft Pass programs are listed in alphabetical order, meaning the first set of reports you will always see by default when you select on the 'Reports' tab is the Lyft Pass program name that comes first alphabetically.

To change what Lyft Pass program report you are currently viewing:

  1. Select on the 'Filter reports:' status in the upper right corner
  2. A drop-down box will appear with the names of all Lyft Pass programs under your organization
  3. Choose the specific Lyft Pass program you'd like to download monthly reports for


To download a Lyft Pass report:

  1. After changing the view to the correct Lyft Pass program, find the month you wish to report on
  2. Select 'Download CSV' and the file will automatically begin to download