Protecting your organization from Concierge fraud

We have systems in place to flag and review potential fraudulent Concierge rides

If a Concierge ride has surpassed the expected distance by a certain threshold between the pickup and drop-off locations, the ride will be automatically flagged for review. If the ride is found to be fraudulent, we will provide a refund for the difference between the quoted price cost and the actual cost. 

Determining which rides are flagged

You may be wondering why some of your organization's Concierge rides are not being flagged or refunded, even though the completed distance of the ride is more than the expected distance.

  • On shorter rides, it is quite common to have a level of variance of about 1.5 times the expected distance due to road and traffic conditions. When making the decision to flag a ride, our system looks at various ride and driver history details to identify if the variance is normal or intentional driver behavior

Refunds for fraudulent rides

Refund transactions always appear in the monthly invoice report from the month in which the refund was issued. For example, if the ride occurred in May but was refunded in June, the refund transaction will appear on June’s monthly invoice report. The original and refund transactions will share the same Ride ID.

How the refund will appear on your monthly invoice report:

  • If the ride was refunded within 24 hours of being completed, the ride cost will be adjusted to reflect the new price directly on the transaction in your monthly invoice report
  • If the ride was refunded more than 24 hours after being completed, you will see a new, separate refund transaction in your monthly reports and your invoice will be adjusted accordingly

How the refund amount is calculated:

  • If the ride has an upfront, quoted price, we will refund the difference between the quoted price and actual cost. Otherwise, our team calculates the expected ride cost based on the original pickup and drop-off destinations and then calculates the refund