When you submit a payment method to use for your organization's Lyft Business account, it is possible that you may receive an error message associated with your payment method.
If you are receiving an error when entering your Lyft Business payment method upon set up, try the following steps to remedy the error:
- Make sure you are using a valid payment method — credit or debit card
Try submitting your payment method using a different browser and/or compatible device
The Lyft Business Portal is optimized for use on Google Chrome - Get in touch with your bank to check if there may be a specific reason that is blocking the credit card from submitting successfully
- Try submitting a different form of payment to test if you are able to successfully submit. You can always change the payment method on your Lyft Business account through the 'Settings' tab later
If a secondary form of payment is successful, there may be a blocker from your bank associated with your other credit card - If all payment methods are not submitting successfully and you're unable to add a payment method, please contact us so our team can investigate