Learn more about how you can receive monthly emailed reports on a by program basis for online accrued billing in this article.
In this article, we'll cover:
What are transaction reports?
Transaction reports are based on the date that the transaction for the ride is processed and contain data for completed rides requested in Concierge, rides taken by your people using their Business Profile and/or charged to direct billing, and for rides paid for with a Lyft Pass under their Personal Profile.
Please note that the email address entered must have Lyft Business admin permissions to access reports.
When can I receive these?
You can email reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly cadence for all of your organization's Business Travel, Concierge and Lyft Pass programs, or download monthly reports directly from the Lyft Business Portal.
The previous month's report will become available for download in the portal on the first day of the next month. For example, a monthly report for April will become available to download on May 1. Current ride data is still available via the 'Ride' tab under each product.
How to set up a specific email recipient to receive automated reports
You can specify different (or all the same) email recipients for reports in the ‘Edit’ section of each Business Travel, Concierge or Lyft Pass program.
To specify a primary email recipient for Business Travel reports:
- Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
- Click ‘Business profiles’
- If your company has direct billing set up, navigate to Navigate to ‘Business profiles’ then click on ‘Add program’
- Enter program settings, including name and receipt forwarding provider
- Scroll down to the ‘Reporting’ section
- Toggle on the frequency that you'd like to receive reports: monthly (by default), weekly, or daily
- Enter the email address of the primary recipient for these reports in the ‘Email Recipient’ field
To specify a primary email recipient for Concierge reports:
- Click ‘Concierge’
- Click ‘Programs’
- Select the Concierge program you'd like to set up reporting for
- Click ‘Edit program’
- Repeat steps 5 through 10 from the direct billing section above
To specify a primary email recipient for Lyft Pass program reports:
- Click ‘Lyft Pass’
- Click ‘Programs’
- Select the Lyft Pass program you'd like to set up reporting for
- Click the three-dot icon next to + Share Passes or + Add people in the top right corner
- Click ‘Edit’
- Scroll down to the ‘Additional settings’ section and click the pencil icon in the ‘Reporting’ field
- Enter the email address of the primary recipient for these reports in the ‘Email Recipient’ field
- Click ‘Save’
How to set up automated monthly invoices and receipts
If you use monthly accrued billing (rides are charged to the specific program's assigned credit card on a monthly basis), you can also receive an invoice PDF by email and a separate email containing a monthly receipt once your credit card is charged for that program. You can expect to receive your monthly invoice by the 5th of every month and your monthly receipts by the 17th of every month.
If you want to receive monthly invoicing and receipts, you can set this up by adding your email to the ‘reporting contact’ section of your program to receive monthly invoices. If you’ve already added a reporting contact, these will be automatically sent.
Note: There can only be one reporting contact per program.
Can I add more than one person as a reporting contact?
Currently, we only allow one reporting contact per program. We recommend setting up an email distribution list and adding that distribution email to the reporting contact if you wish for multiple people to receive the reports.
Can the invoice or receipt be resent if the Reporting contact is not filled out in time?
Invoices cannot be resent if the reporting contact is not filled out in time. However, if you need a receipt, please contact us.
What transactions are the receipts for?
Monthly online billed programs are charged on a per-program basis. So, receipts will be 1:1 with the program’s monthly usage.