Requesting a Concierge ride for a rider with no mobile phone

Concierge administrators and coordinators can request a ride for a passenger who does not have a mobile device/cell phone. Learn more in this article.

In this article, we'll cover:

How to initiate an automated phone call to the passenger's landline phone number

If you need to request a ride for a passenger with no mobile phone, you can make sure the passenger receives updates about their ride by:

  • Initiating an automated phone call to their landline phone number that will read out the ride details
  • Entering a phone number of the most suitable point of contact who can relay the ride details to the passenger

You can enter a landline phone number to initiate an automated phone call that will read out the details of the ride if your passenger doesn't have a mobile phone to receive text messages on.

Once the ride request is confirmed by the coordinator, Concierge will detect that a landline phone number was entered. At the time a driver is matched with the ride, Concierge will initiate a phone call from an automated system to the landline.

When the passenger picks up the phone, an automated voice message will let them know a Lyft ride has been requested for them and will read out the following ride details:

  • Vehicle model
  • License plate number
  • Pickup address
  • The driver name
  • The driver's estimated time of arrival (in minutes) to the pickup location

Here is an example voice message your rider will hear:

A Lyft ride has been requested for you. Look for the Silver Toyota Prius with the license plate “3LYFT” at 123 Lemonade Lane. Your driver Bob, will arrive in about 5 minutes. Press 1 to repeat this message. Press 2 to connect to your driver. To stop all calls from Lyft press 9.

If your rider misses the automated phone call, they can call 1-800-836-LYFT to hear their ride details. Our system will automatically match their phone number to their existing ride.

In the case that our system cannot match their phone number to an existing ride, we will let the rider know with the following message:

We could not find a ride linked to this phone number. Please try calling from the number your ride was booked with.

What if my passenger doesn't have a landline phone number either?

If your passenger doesn't have a phone they can readily access themselves, we recommend entering in either a mobile phone number or landline of the most suitable point of contact for the ride, such as the coordinator requesting the ride, who can receive text messages or pick up the automated phone call and relay the ride details to the passenger. If possible, the passenger should remain physically close to the point of contact to get ride details prior to pickup.


Can I request a ride to an international phone number?

No, Concierge does not support international phone numbers at this time.