If you need to add, grant permissions, and remove people from your Lyft Business account, we’ve got you covered.
In this article, we'll cover:
How to add and manage administrator permissions
To add or manage administrators in your Lyft Business account, navigate to the People page in the Lyft Business Portal. Here you can:
Add administrators
- Select 'Add administrators' in the upper right-hand corner
- Enter the work email of the person or people you want to invite to be an administrator
Check the box next to the permissions you want to grant them
- For Create new programs, specify which 'Products' this administrator will be able to create programs for.
- For Manage existing programs or Send rides, select which specific 'Programs' this administrator will be able to manage.
- You can also search the full list for all programs available to be added.
To manage / edit / remove administrator permissions
- Search for your admins email in the search tab and select the three vertical dots by their email
Select 'Edit administrator permissions' to edit their permissions or 'remove' to remove them from all programs.
To view rider benefits
- Search for your riders email in the search tab and select the three vertical dots by their email
- Select 'View rider benefits'
You can also download a .csv export of your riders or administrators.
When you select 'Export,' you’ll receive a notification telling you when your data is ready to export.
For administrators
When adding other users, you can customize their permissions and select which programs those permissions apply to.
To grant a user permission to create programs, specify which product they should have access to (Business Travel, Concierge, Lyft Pass).
To grant a user permission to manage existing programs, select the name of the program(s) you’d like to give them access to.
Administrators can have as many permissions as your organization needs.
For a full breakdown of permissions, see chart.
Full Access |
Create programs |
Manage programs |
Distribute rides or benefits |
System Permissions |
Editing org level settings (domain, company name) |
x |
Setting up people /groups |
x |
Give LB product access to users |
x |
Set up global payment methods |
x |
Product Permissions |
Creating programs |
x |
x |
Deleting programs |
x |
Program permissions |
Editing benefit policies |
x |
x |
Editing restrictions |
x |
x |
Setting up rider comms for program |
x |
x |
Selecting payment method |
x |
x |
Inviting program admins |
x |
x |
Inviting agents |
x |
x |
Distribute benefits |
x |
x |
x |
Data permissions |
Viewing rides/transactions |
x |
x |
Viewing people details |
x |
x |
How to add riders to your programs
Business profiles
Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
Select the program you wish to add your rider to
Select 'Add people' in the top right corner of the screen or navigate to the 'People' tab
- Enter the emails of the riders you wish to invite and select 'Invite' to send
Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
Select the program you wish to add your rider to
Select 'Add people' in the top right corner of the screen
- Enter the emails of the riders you wish to invite and select 'Invite' to send
Lyft Pass
Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
Select the program you wish to add your rider to
Select 'Share passes' in the top right corner of the screen
- Enter the emails of the riders you wish to share passes with and select 'Invite' to send
How to remove people from your Lyft Business account
If you are a Lyft Business account administrator, you can remove people from your organization by following these steps:
- Log in the Lyft Business Portal (or at https://business.lyft.com/login )
- Select on the 'People 'tab
- Select the individual(s) you want to remove
- Select remove
You can also remove people from your organization in bulk by following these steps:
- Select on the 'People' tab
- Select bulk remove
- Upload a CSV file that includes emails of people that you are removing separated by comma. For more info, download the sample CSV.