Learn how you can cancel a Concierge ride that has been requested for you using SMS messaging on your mobile phone.
How to cancel your Concierge ride
You will always receive an initial text message letting you know that a ride has been requested for you from an organization. You can cancel the ride on your own by replying 8 to the SMS message you receive when the ride is requested for you. This text message will include the following instructions to cancel the ride if you no longer need it:
"Reply 8 if you no longer need this ride."
Now, follow the steps below to cancel your ride:
- Reply 8 to the message(s) you received when you're ready to cancel your ride
- You'll receive another text message asking you to confirm that you really want to cancel the ride. Reply 88 to this text message to confirm the cancellation
- The last text message you'll receive will let you know the ride has been cancelled successfully
If there is more than one ride scheduled on your behalf, you will still need to contact the organization to have them cancel the ride for you on their end. This is to prevent the cancellation of the wrong ride. If you reply 8, you will receive the following message:
How long do you have to cancel a Concierge ride without penalty?
From the moment you receive the initial text message letting you know that a ride has been requested or pre-scheduled on your behalf, you can cancel the ride.
Lyft's cancellation policy also applies to Concierge rides. To avoid incurring a cancellation fee on the ride, the following conditions must be met:
- You cancel the ride within two minutes of the driver accepting
- You cancel the ride after the driver has breached the initial estimated time of arrival for pickup by five minutes or more
Please read Lyft's full cancellation policy for riders.