If you are unable to request rides in Concierge, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Log out of Concierge
- Clear your cache and cookies on your browser
- Log back in to Concierge
- Attempt to request a ride
If the above troubleshooting steps do not help to resolve the issue, please contact us using the Lyft Business contact form immediately to let us know that you are not able to request rides in Concierge.
- Enter your work email address in the 'Email address' field
- In the 'What can we help you with?' field, select 'I'm using Concierge to request Lyft rides' > 'Unable to request rides'
- In the 'Description box,' please describe in as much detail as possible what page in Concierge that the error occurred and any error messages that displayed to you when attempting to request the ride
We will prioritize all reports of not being able to request rides in Concierge to avoid a disruption to your service.