Managing your Lyft Pass programs

Lyft Pass gives you more control over your programs than ever before. Learn more about managing your Lyft Pass programs in this article. 

In this article, we'll cover: 

How to view your Lyft Pass program details 

Spend and active riders

At the top of every Lyft Pass program page, you’ll have visibility into the usage and spend of your programs. You’ll see:

  • Last month spend (if program is monthly recurring)—the total spend of the program for the previous month
  • This month spend—the total spend of the program month-to-date
  • Active riders—the number of people who have taken a ride covered by Lyft Pass within the calendar month, the rider’s name, and some ride information
  • People in program (if program is monthly recurring)—the total number of people who have been added to the program

These sections will update on an ongoing basis as riders take Lyft Pass rides. 

Overview of your program’s details

The Overview tab shows you a summary of all program details that are currently published. 

Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 11.29.59 AM.png

How to view Lyft Pass activity and revoke any shared passes

Lyft Pass activity

After clicking into your selected program, select 'Riders' next to the overview. Here you will see a summary of who Lyft Pass was shared with and the status of the pass or passes. Details provided on the ‘Riders tab’ will differ depending on how Lyft Pass was shared for each program.

The table below breaks down the details you’ll see, as well as the possible statuses of the shared pass or passes, based on sharing method:

Sharing method

Editing limitations

Phone number

Phone number

  • Every phone number that this Lyft pass has been shared with


  • Invited:an invite was sent to the phone number successfully, but it has not yet been redeemed
  • Redeemed: the rider redeemed Lyft Pass successfully
  • Expired: the invitation has expired and the rider didn't redeem it successfully


  • The name of each individual with whom this Lyft was shared with. Names are tied to each phone number that has been invited

Work or organization email address


  • The name of each individual with whom this Lyft Pass was shared with. Names are tied to each work or organization email address that has been invited


  • Each work or organization email address that this Lyft Pass was shared with 


  1. Invited: an invite was sent to the work or organization email address successfully, but the rider has not yet accepted the invite
  2. Joined: the rider accepted the invite from their work or organization email address successfully

Unique shareable code


  • Each unique alphanumeric code will be listed in the Code column


  1. Created: the unique code has been created, but no one has redeemed it yet
  2. Redeemed: someone has added the code to their account and successfully redeemed it

General shareable code

No sharing activity or statuses. General shareable codes won't have sharing activity or statuses because the code is given out manually.  


How to view Lyft Pass ride history and rider information

Selecting 'Rides' under Lyft Pass in the Lyft Business Portal will allow you to see who the Lyft Pass was redeemed by, when the ride was taken and where the ride was taken to.

The table below breaks down the details you’ll see:

Field Details
  • The first and last name of each individual with whom this Lyft Pass was redeemed (some exceptions apply)
  • The time that the Lyft Pass was used
  • Address rider used for ride (some exceptions apply)
  • Lat / long for ride
Amount redeemed
  • Amount used by rider


You can also view additional information by clicking into the specific ride or by navigating to the ‘Reports’ section under Lyft Pass or in the Business Insights tab. You will not be able to see this information previous to December 17th, 2024. You will also see a notice that the information is confidential and may be used only for legitimate business purposes.

How to revoke a shared Lyft Pass

You can revoke a Lyft Pass that has been shared by phone number, work or organization email address, or a unique code. General codes cannot be revoked.

To revoke a Lyft Pass:

  • Select the box next to the email address(s), phone number(s), or unique code(s) that you’d like to revoke
  • Select 'Revoke benefits' for Lyft Pass shared via phone number or unique code, or 'Remove people' for Lyft Pass shared via email address
  • A warning message letting you know that revoking a pass cannot be undone will pop up—select 'Revoke' when you are ready to permanently revoke Lyft Pass from the rider(s)

Riders will receive a push notification letting them know that their ride credit has been revoked. 
