About monthly invoice groups

Learn how to set up and manage invoice groups so you can determine where your invoices are sent and consolidate invoicing if you have multiple transportation programs. 

In this article, we'll cover:

What are invoice groups? 

Invoice groups are used to distribute and manage where monthly invoices for your program(s) are sent. Admins can view, add, and update their invoice groups. 

What do invoice groups contain? 

An invoice group includes key billing information that is used by Lyft to distribute monthly invoices for your program(s): 

  • Billing address
  • Accounts payable distribution email address
  • Billing contact name(s) and email address(es)
  • PO# / accounting code (optional)

How do invoice groups work? 

Invoice groups allow you to control where your invoices are sent and to consolidate invoicing if you have multiple transportation programs. You can add an invoice group as your billing information for any of the programs in the Lyft Business Portal that use Offline Billing. After the end of the billing cycle (end of month), we will send a .pdf invoice via email for the organization’s usage to the email addresses provided for your Accounts Payable and Billing Contact(s).

How to create an invoice group

Organization admins can create new invoice groups and make changes to existing ones from the Lyft Business Portal.

  1. Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
  2. Go to ‘Settings’
  3. Click on ‘Invoice groups’
  4. Click on ‘Add invoice group’
  5. Input an ‘Invoice group name’  
  6. Search for your organization’s billing address in the ‘Billing address’ field and select the address from the dropdown 
  7. Add ‘Billing contact(s)’
  8. Add ‘Accounts payable email’ (optional)
  9. Add ‘PO number’  (optional)


How to add an invoice group to a program

Once you have created your invoice group, you will need to add the invoice group to each related program. 

  1. Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
  2. Select the product you'd like to add the invoice group to (i.e. Lyft Pass, Concierge, business profile)
  3. Select the program under that product you wish to add the invoice group tomceclip3.png
  4. Select the three vertical dots in business profiles or Lyft Pass and click ‘Edit.’ If you're in Concierge, select the 'Edit' button at the top of the screenmceclip1.png
  5. From there, scroll down to 'Billing' and select the invoice group you would like to add and click 'Save'

How to edit an invoice group

If you are an organization admin, you can edit invoice groups by following the instructions below.

  1. Log in to the Lyft Business Portal
  2. Go to ‘Settings’
  3. Click on ‘Invoice groups’
  4. Click ‘Edit’ in the top right corner of your screen
  5. Make relevant updates 
  6. Scroll down and click ‘Save'

How to get assistance with monthly invoices

For inquiries regarding your account’s invoices, please contact our billing team using the Lyft Business Billing contact form.

Please select 'Invoice & payment help' from the 'What can we help you with?' drop-down menu. To help our billing team assist you as quickly as possible, please include the following information (if applicable):

  • Parent Company Name
  • Branch/Account Name(s)
  • Invoice #


Can you create or edit invoice groups mid-month? 

Organization admins will need to make updates before the end of the month to ensure changes are reflected on that month’s invoice. All usage after the switch through the end of the month will be invoiced together. 


Can you delete an invoice group? 

No, no users will be able to remove an invoice group. This limitation exists as organization admins can update existing invoice groups by following the instructions above.


Which roles can create and view new invoice groups?

Organization admins, program creators and program admins can create and view new invoice groups. This follows current permissioning that is in place for managing online payment methods.


Will billing contacts automatically have access to the portal?

No, organization admins will need to add the billing contact as a user to the portal and assign that contact a role to grant portal access


I want to split my programs onto separate invoices. How can I do that?

Create a new invoice group and associate it to the programs which should appear as separate line items on an individual invoice. 


How is the information that I provide used by Lyft to send invoices?

At the end of the billing cycle, we will send a pdf. invoice via email for the organization’s usage to the email address provided (accounts payable, and primary billing contact). Invoice group name, billing address, and PO# will show up on the invoice PDF itself. 

See also